Whenever and wherever a person of Cameroonian origin introduces him/herself to new people, the question that arises immediately is know whether the person is an “Anglophone” or a “Francophone”.
Please do not ask me that question anymore, because I am none of these categories. My ancestors, staring from those I personally such as my maternal great and grandparents did not speak any of these languages. Yes, my father received a French education in Dakar as a “Médecin africain”, as well as his father transitioning from a German to a French education and becoming a nurse, primary school teacher and clerk in a business. But I refuse to define my own identity through that of someone else. Who by the way forcefully imposed himself into my History. If or when Germans, British and French people will start define themselves through the identity of people and countries they dominated, then I will reciprocate. Until then, please do not ask me this infamous question anymore. All Cameroonians are either Bantu, semi-Bantu or Sudanese people. Full stop. Nothing more, nothing less.